Medical Quiz

Topics: Biodiversity Quiz

Most conifers have separate male and female reproductive parts on the same tree. This condition is referred to as

A. monoecious

B. dioecious

C. homosporous

D. heterosporous

Select your answer:


Forensic Pathology (Autopsy) Assessment The Chemistry of Microbiology Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Neuroanatomy of CNS Psychiatry Biochemistry: Carbohydrates and Lipids Coronary Heart Diseases Cosmetology Inner Ear Neuroanatomy Vocabulary 3M Micropara Urinary System Medical Terms Health Systems Body Cardiovascular Physiology - Function

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Respiratory System › View

If your epiglottis were to suddenly stop working, what activity could be life threatening?

A. Breathin

B. Walking

C. Coughing

D. Eating

Mutations, Replication, and Cancer › View

DNA replication turns one strand of DNA into two new strands of DNA. What percent of each new strand is the old strand?

A. Half of each new DNA is the old DNA

B. The old strand of DNA was digested, so none

C. The new DNA is entirely made up of the old DNA

D. About every sixth base comes from the old DNA