Medical Quiz

Biochemistry of Diabetes Quiz


What is required specifically for a person who has type 1 diabetes mellitus in order to maintain safe insulin levels?

A. take multiple insulin injections each day

B. prioritize physical activity

C. take medications

D. notice portion sizes monitored by a dietitian

What happens when the body makes more INSULIN than normal?

A. Hypertension

B. Beta Cell Hyperplasia

C. Beta Cell Hypoplasia

D. Beta Cell Hypertrophy

Which type of diabetes mellitus have the destruction of beta cells that usually starts early in life

A. 1

B. 2

What process is needed in order for the Glucose to pass through the membrane if the cell does not move its Glucose Transporters?

A. Glucose Transport

B. Facilitated Difference

C. Facilitated Diffusion

D. Transporting Channels

The cluster of cells found in the pancreas responsible for the secretion of digestive enzymes, insulin and glucagon.

A. Glycogen

B. Adrenal glands

C. Islets of Langerhans

D. Langerhans Cells

is a disorder in which the body does not produce enough or respond normally to insulin, causing blood sugar (glucose) levels to be abnormally high.

A. Diabitis

B. Diabetes melitus

C. Diabets mellitus

D. Diabetes mellitus

It causes a loss of self-tolerance among T-cells that specifically target beta cells antigen

A. Genetic Abnormality

B. Disruptions in diet

C. Lack of exercise

D. Water loss

A group of genes on chromosome 6 that encode the major histocompatibility complex

A. Human Leukocyte Antigen System or HLA System

B. Endocrine System

C. Hypothalamohypophysial Portal System

D. Arginine Vasotocin

What happen to the glucose that isn’t absorbed by diabetics’ bodies?

A. It’s expelled from their bodies

B. It collects in their body fat

C. It’s stored in their pancreases

D. It’s converted to other chemicals

Which type of the following exercises should regularly be done when having type 2 diabetes mellitus?

A. moderate-intensity exercise

B. resistance exercise

C. stretching

D. strength building exercise

A person with type 2 should be centered around the following EXCEPT:

A. modest servings of low-fat dairy, low-fat meat and fish

B. fewer refined grains

C. medium portion sizes

D. more high-fiber foods

What state of the body is called when the INSULIN levels are kept above normal and also keeps BLOOD GLUCOSE levels normal?

A. Averageglycemia

B. Normalglycemia

C. Normalglucose

D. Averageglucose

What might happen if your body couldn’t process glucose?

A. You wouldn’t be able to digest food

B. You wouldn’t have the energy to function

C. You would become more likely to catch diseases

D. You would constantly be thirsty for water

Beta cells; ____ : aplha cells; ____

A. Insulin; glycogen

B. Glycogen; insulin

C. Insulin; glucagon

D. Glucagon; insulin

The A1c Test is also known as?

A. HbA8F

B. HbA1D

C. HbA7H

D. HbA1C

E. HbA2V


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