Medical Quiz

Topics: Bacteria and Viruses Quiz

What is used to protect you from a virus?

A. antirbiotic

B. Rest

C. Vaccine

D. Viruses have no cure

Select your answer:


Psychology Vocabulary Hair Evidence Asthma Advanced Stretching SM2 Body Fluids Pollution Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Chest, Back, Abs Cardiovascular Visual Impairment The Teeth Musculoskeletal System Responses to Exercises Skin Structure Transportation and Excretion Health Systems

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Pharmacology › View

The pharmacy receives the following prescription:

Levofloxacin 0.5% solution

#1 bottle

Sig: 2 gtts OD q2h while awake on days 1-2 then 2 gtts OD q4h while awake on days 3-7

Where is the patient instructed to use the medication?

A. Left eye

B. Left ear

C. Right eye

D. Right ear

Hematology in Veterinary Medicine › View

Which of the following is a sign of anemia in the FAMACHA scoring system?

A. Bright red eyelids

B. Pale pink eyelids

C. Yellowish eyelids

D. Deep purple eyelids