Atoms and Radioactivity Quiz
Where does radioactivity have application in our lives?
A. Medicine
B. Energy (electricity)
C. Agriculture
D. All of the above
An isotope of an element has the same number of _________, but a different number of _________.
A. Protons, electrons
B. Protons, neutrons
C. Electrons, neutrons
D. Neutrons, protons
Which type of radiation releases an electron?
A. Alpha radiation
B. Beta radiation
C. Gamma radiation
D. Theta radiation
What particle is released when an unstable isotope undergoes alpha radiation?
A. a helium nucleus
B. an electron
C. a photon of light
D. a neutron
What makes something radioactive?
A. elements with an atomic number above 81
B. an unstable nucleus
C. contaminated sewage
D. It decays over time
Which particles make up the nucleus of an atom?
A. protons and neutrons
B. electrons and protons
C. electrons, protons, and neutrons
D. electrons and neutrons
What is the number of protons that the element in this image contain?
A. 14
B. 7
C. 15
D. 18
In order of most to least penetrating radiation we have
A. Alpha , Beta, Gamma
B. Beta , Gamma , Alpha
C. Gamma, Beta, Alpha
D. Gamma, Alpha, Beta
This particle determines what element you have – the elements identity.
A. electron
B. proton
C. neutron
D. valence shell
An element with a mass number of 11 and an atomic number of 5 has how many neutrons?
A. 11
B. 5
C. 6
D. 16
A radioactive nuclide has a ____ stable nucleus than a non-radioactive nucleus of the same element.
A. more
B. less
C. identical
D. small