Medical Quiz

Topics: Anatomy of a Skeletal Muscle Quiz

The connective tissue that surrounds the individual skeletal muscle fibers, as pictured in 4, is called:

A. epimysium

B. perimysium

C. actin filiament

D. endomysium

Select your answer:


Genetic Diseases Malaria Heart and Circulatory System Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery Hematology in Veterinary Medicine Cardiology Medications Medical Suffixes Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Molecular Genetics Health and Hygiene Smoking Related Diseases Dental Pharmacology Type 1 Diabetes Stress and Mental Health Vitamins and Minerals

Other quiz:

Transmission of Diseases and Types of Immunity › View

. What is vertical spread in the context of disease transmission?

A. Transmission of disease from parent to offspring

B. Transmission of disease through air

C. Transmission of disease through water

D. Transmission of disease through direct contact

Pharmacology › View

A physician writes a prescription for “lactulose syrup 2 tbsp PO b.i.d.” What volume, in mL, should the patient take per day?

A. 30

B. 60

C. 90

D. 120