Medical Quiz

What is Psychology? Quiz

Anxiety in sport can be defined as…

A. Feeling cool, calm, and collected before the competition.

B. A state of physical preparedness prior to sports performance.

C. Feelings of nerves of worry before or during a sports performance.

Select your answer:


Lungs Properties of the Hair Health issue related to immune system Philosophy Hazards & Risks Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria History of Healthcare Thyroid Disease Muscle Tissue Metabolic Sauver Macromolecules Musculoskeletal - Clinical Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Respiratory Acidosis Consciousness and Sleep

Other quiz:

Immunology › View

The chemical markers on the surfaces of cells are called…

A. Antibodies

B. Antigens

C. Pathogens

D. Phagocytes

Circulatory / Respiratory › View

The “lub,” or first heart sound , is produced by the closing of

A. the aortic semilunar valve

B. the pulmonary semilunar valve

C. the tricuspid valve

D. the bicuspid valve

E. both AV valves