Medical Quiz

Human Eye and Colorful World Quiz

The image formed by retina of human eye is

A. Real and inverted

B. Virtual and inverted

C. Virtual and erect

D. Real and erect

Select your answer:


Pathology - Chronic Inflammation Cell Cycle Cardiorespiratory Endurance Central Nervous System Nasal Polyp Specialties: Neurological and Geriatric Nutrition - Digestive System The Cell Cycle & Cancer Hematology in Veterinary Medicine Vitamins and Minerals Cariology Vitals Breath Biology Assessment Terms for The Skeletal System

Other quiz:

Anatomy & Physiology › View

The muscles called auricularis superior, posterior, and anterior control the ____.

A. eye

B. ear

C. nose

D. chin

Blood Typing › View

Someone who has Type O blood has what for antibodies (clumping proteins)?

A. No antibodies

B. A antibodies

C. B antibodies

D. A and B antibodies