Medical Quiz

Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Quiz

The human brain is composed of nerve tissue. What cells would you find in nerve tissue?

A. neuron cells

B. motor cells

C. stem cells

D. muscle tissue

Select your answer:


Physiothearpy in Neurology Forensic Pathology BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Digestion Sense of Sight Dermatology Vocabulary Brain and Nervous System Anatomy Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology Selective Breeding Nervous System: Diseases/Problems/Illnesses The Ear Carbohydrate Metabolism Movement Glucose in the Body

Other quiz:

Radiation and Health › View

Which of the following is NOT a type of medical imaging?



C. CAT Scan

D. Ultrasound

Musculoskeletal System Responses to Exercises › View

Which factor determines the mechanical behavior and force generation of a muscle?

A. Physiology of muscle fiber force generation

B. Muscle fibers type

C. Recruitment of muscle fibers

D. Motor unit size