Medical Quiz

Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Quiz

From which structure, the free oxygen gas produced during photosynthesis is released?

A. Epidermis

B. Stomata

C. Cortex

D. Guard cell

Select your answer:


Deficiency Diseases Gaseous Exchange in Humans Epidemiology Vocabulary Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery Medication Administration Muscle Tissue Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Urinary System, Fluid, Electrolyte and ph Balance Agents of Disease Nasal Polyp Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Basic Structure of the Human Body Vitals Diabetes Pathophysiology

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Urinary › View

Identify Structure F

A. Proximal Convoluted Tubule

B. Distal Convoluted Tubule

C. Nephron Loop (Loop of Henle)

D. Collecting Duct

Human Body › View

What system provides framework and structure for the body?

A. Digestive Sysem

B. Skeletal System

C. Nervous System

D. Respiratory System