Medical Quiz

Health and Hygiene Quiz

What do we use to cut our nail?

A. Nail – cutter

B. Blade

C. Knife

D. Axe

Select your answer:


Infection Dermis Vaccines Biotherapeutics & Cellular Meat Skeletal Muscle Anatomy RDA Dental Caries Cell Human Anatomy and Physiology Oxygenation Blood/Lymphatic/Immune Hematology Acute Leukemias Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Pulse Surgical tech-safety Immunology and Serology Transport system in Living Things (Human)

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Which type of cell division do eukaryotic cells go through?

A. Binary fission

B. Stem therapy

C. Mitosis

D. Meiosis

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It causes a loss of self-tolerance among T-cells that specifically target beta cells antigen

A. Genetic Abnormality

B. Disruptions in diet

C. Lack of exercise

D. Water loss