Medical Quiz

Human Brain Quiz

The illustration shows four lobes of the human brain. What lobe is designated by label 2?

A. temporal lobe

B. parietal lobe

C. occipital lobe

D. frontal lobe

Select your answer:


Tissues Vocabulary Endocrine System Terms Anxiety Disorders Integumentary System & Body Directions Epithelial The Vascular System and Blood Flow Sarcomere Anatomy HHB Immunology Physical Activity PBS Routine Testing Autoimmune Disease Oxygenation Muscle Tissues Cell & Bond Germs & Diseases

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One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is

A. Fatigue

B. Intolerance to cold

C. Weight gain

D. All of the above

Restrictive Respiratory Disorders › View

The following describes which restrictive pulmonary disease?

Fluid accumulation in the pleural space


B. Pneumonia

C. Plural effusion

D. Pneumothorax