Medical Quiz

Cartilage Quiz

Provide nutrients

A. Osteoprogenitors

B. Osteoblasts

C. Osteoclasts

D. Osteocytes

E. Osteon

Select your answer:


Oncology Hospital Wards and Departments Iron Kinetics Head and Neck Anatomy Cardiorespiratory Endurance Diabetes Pathophysiology Enzymes and Movement of Substances Microbial Growth Microrganisms Food System & Nutrients Pathophysiology of Injuries and Diseases Cell and Tissue Nutritional Measurements DNA Principles of Microbiology

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Pneumothorax, and pleural effusion are part of which classification of lung disease?

A. Parenchymal (functional tissue of the lungs)

B. Pleural (tissue covering the lungs)

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A basic principle in EMS care is

A. Treat others as they treat you

B. Dont hit first

C. First try not to be sued

D. First do no further harm