Medical Quiz

Cartilage Quiz

as many collagen fibers

A. Cartilage

B. Hyaline Cartilage

C. Fibrocartilage

D. Elastic Cartilage

Select your answer:


Skin and Derivatives Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Diagnostic Tools Human Urinary System World Health Day Gastroenterology Nursing Lung & Breathing Prehabilitation and Conditioning Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology Fitness Excretion-Dialysis Cardiovascular System Anatomy Histology - Tissues Forensic Pathology DNA & Types of Reproduction

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The size of Bacteria varies from _______ to _______ micron.

A. 10 – 6 micron

B. Bangalore to Chennai

C. 0.02 – 2 micron

D. 0.2 – 2 micron

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HISTORY: Discovered that A and T bond together and C and G bond together…

A. Watson and Crick

B. Rosalind Franklin

C. Fredrick Griffeth

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