Medical Quiz

Health and Hygiene Quiz

What is the immune system?

A. The antibiotics that fight diseases

B. The body system that fights ninjas

C. The body system that fights diseases

D. The medicine that makes you feel better

Select your answer:


HCMA - Hematology Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria Immune System Microbial Growth & Nutrition Special Senses Breath World Health Day Reproduction in Human Beings Ankle, Foot, & LL - Injuries Urinary Cellular Components Muscle Histology Regulation of Heart Rate Lung & Breathing Joints in our Body

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Their primary concern involves the auditory and speech functions of the patient, which are usually interrelated.

A. Dieticians and Nutritionists

B. Optometrists and Ophthalmic Opticians

C. Audiologists and Speech Therapists

D. Physiotherapists

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when a person walks aimlessly around the facility or the facility grounds

A. perseveration

B. wandering

C. pacing

D. sundowning