Medical Quiz

Pathogens Quiz

Si tu sientes que te pica la colita…

A. En una de esas tienes alergia

B. En una de esas tienes lombrices

C. En una de esas tienes hemorroides

D. En una de esas tienes comezón

Select your answer:


History of Psychology Conjunctivita Body Structures and Organ Systems Eye in Color Vision Mitosis Viruses Population Ecology Muscoskeletal Injuries Hazards & Risks The Ear History of Immunology Virus and Bacteria Hematology in Veterinary Medicine Nail Trauma Surgery

Other quiz:

Pathology › View

How does the body respond to tissue damage?

A. The body responds to tissue damage by inducing sleep

B. The body responds to tissue damage by increasing blood sugar levels

C. The body responds to tissue damage by causing dehydration

D. The body responds to tissue damage by initiating inflammation, clotting, immune cell recruitment, tissue repair, and regeneration.

Disease › View

Increase in heart rate

A. Tachycardia

B. Bradycardia

C. Tachypnea

D. Arrythmia