Medical Quiz

All About Blood Quiz

The function of capillaries is…

A. To deliver blood from the heart

B. To connect the different body parts together

C. To connect arteries and the brain to deliver oxygen around the body

D. To help connect arteries and veins in order to deliver blood around the body

Select your answer:


Virus Obstructive Lung Disease Health issue related to immune system Plasmid Deficiency Diseases Principle of Health Science Antimicrobial Pharmacology Eye and Ear Lung & Breathing Pulmonology Disease as a Failure of Homeostasis Weight Management Pediatrics The Cardiovascular System OCR A-level Fungi/Bacteria/Biotechnology

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The quadriceps are located near ___________________.

A. back

B. front upper leg

C. back of lower leg

D. waist

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body balance

A. lateral vestibular nuclei in spinal cord

B. medial/inferior vestibular nuclei to upper spinal cord/cranial nerves

C. superior vestibular nuclei to medial longitudinal fasiculus to CN III, IV, VI