Medical Quiz

Biochemistry in Anatomy Quiz

Which element is not commonly found in carbohyrates?

A. sulfur

B. oxygen

C. hydrogen

D. carbon

Select your answer:


Ears Cell Reproduction Living Organisms & Animal Behaviors Human Body All About Bacteria Health and Diseases Speed, Flexibility part of Components of Physical Fitness Physical Education and Health Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria Dental Pharmacology Genes and Cells Parts of the Body Disease Prevention Anatomy - Cellular Respiration Entomology

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Food and Nutrition › View

Good sources of protein are:

A. meat, fish and nuts

B. fruits and vegetables

C. pasta, potatoes and rice

D. fruit juices

Bacterial Growth › View

Which of the following statements about oxygen and bacterial growth is correct?

A. All bacteria need oxygen to grow

B. No bacteria need oxygen to grow

C. Some bacteria are anaerobic and do not need oxygen

D. Oxygen is harmful to all bacteria