Medical Quiz

Cytology and Histology Quiz

Which cytoskeletal filament provides mechanical strength to cells?

A. Actin filaments

B. Intermediate filaments

C. Microtubules

D. Myosin

Select your answer:


Nutrition and Human Digestive System Blood Typing DNA, RNA, Proteins Regulation of Heart Rate All About Blood Contemporary Nutrition Issues Measles and Hib Forensic Pathology Musculoskeletal Anatomy: Knee Physical Pharmacy Source of Food Living Organisms AEMT EMS Systems Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) Male Reproductive System

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Doctors today swear the Hippocratic Oath. What to they promise?

A. Charge a fair amount

B. To do no harm

C. Work for free

D. Do what the patient wants.

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Which procedure uses sound waves to create images of the heart and nearby blood vessels?

A. Cardioversion

B. Echocardiography

C. Telemetry

D. Electrophysiology