Medical Quiz

Emergency Medicine Quiz

Which of the following core temperature constitutes a heat stroke?

A. 100 degrees

B. 98 degrees

C. 104 degrees

D. 75 degrees

Select your answer:


Philosophy Urinary System and Fluid Balance Nasal Polyp Infection Excretory and Musculoskeletal System Deficiency Diseases Diseases Communicable or non Communicable General Anatomy Thyroid Gland Nutrition Lipid Foodborne Illness Defence against Infectious Diseases EMS Systems Health Issues and Concerns Joints in our Body

Other quiz:

Cardiovascular and Respiratory › View

heart fails to pump properly

A. Angina Pectoris

B. Congestive Heart Failure

C. Cerebral Vascular Accident

D. Hypertension

Musculoskeletal - Clinical › View

A nurse is collecting data from a client following the application of a leg cast for the treatment of a fracture. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect to find first if the cast is too tight?

A. Toes cool to touch

B. Edema of the toes

C. Pallor of the toes

D. Inability to move toes