Medical Quiz

Oncology Quiz

What is the cause of superior vena cava syndrome?

A. Viral infection

B. Compression from mediastinal mass

C. Bacterial infection

D. Allergic reaction

Select your answer:


Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology Integumentary System Nervous System/Endocrine System PHYSIOLOGY OF KIDNEY PHE Healthy Lifestyle Food and Nutrition Inheritance HCMA - Hematology Dermatology The Brain Our Control Center Immunology: T cell Development Urinary System Medical Terms SPED Law-lympics The Cell Cycle & Cancer Blood Pathology

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My monomer is nucleotide.

A. carbohydrates

B. lipids

C. proteins

D. nucleic acids

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In Spain, how many people over the age of 15 have been diagnosed with a mental health problem? (Anxiety, depression, and insomnia are among the most common conditions.)

A. one in 2 people

B. one in 20 people

C. one in 10 people

D. one in 5 people