Medical Quiz

Microbiology Quiz

What is the purpose of Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) and Kligler’s Iron Agar (KIA) media?

A. To detect sugar fermentation

B. To detect urease production

C. To detect pigment production

D. To detect gas production

Select your answer:


AEMT EMS Systems Immunology: T cell Development Renal & Neural Pain Management Cardiovascular Med Terms Renal System - Pharmacology Thyroid Gland Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Contemporary Nutrition Issues Levels of Organization Ear/Eye Medical Terms Kidney - Loop of Henlé Respiratory, Cardiovascular & Oncology Skin and Derivatives Vitamin

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Where is the thickest skin found on the body?

A. Soles of the feet

B. Palms of the hands

C. Scalp

D. Elbows

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Which organism cannot survive in the presence of oxygen?

A. heterotrophs

B. autotrophs

C. obligate anaerobe

D. facultative anaerobe