Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal System Responses to Exercises Quiz

What is the hierarchical structure of skeletal muscle composed of?

A. Tropomyosin, Calcium, ATP

B. Actin, Myosin, Troponin

C. Fascicles, Myofibers, Sarcomeres

D. Epimysium, Perimysium, Endomysium

Select your answer:


Major Nutrients Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Uses of Radioactive Radiation Nutrition in Animals Cell and Tissue My Teeth Hele Skeletal System CV System A&P & Pathology Fad Diets Eczema Anatomy Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Joints & Movement Gene Cloning Neuroanatomy & Physiology

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Infection Control › View

The term _____ is defined as a chemical process for reducing the number of disease-causing germs on cleaned surfaces to a safe level.

A. decontaminating

B. sanitizing

C. sterilizing

D. disinfection

Cells › View

The picture below represent __________ cell.

A. plant

B. animal

C. fungi

D. bacteria