Medical Quiz

Cardiology Quiz

Lucy was doing activities of daily living. Suddenly, she felt her rhythm of the heart is beating rapidly and Irregularly. What disease she is suffering from ?

A. Fibrillation

B. Aneurysm

Select your answer:


Blood Groups Pharmacology Vitamins 3M Micropara Pulmonology Parkinson Disease Types of Immunity Muscoskeletal Injuries Renal & Neural Parts of Human Body Parts of the Body The Musculoskeletal System Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Hospital Departments Health and Hygiene Dermatology Vocabulary

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Molecular Genetics › View

Transcription takes place in the 

A. cytoplasm

B. chloroplast

C. nucleus

D. mitochondria

Bone › View

The ends of long bones are composed of _______ surrounded by a thin layer of________?

A. Cancellous bone, Compact bone

B. Compact bone, Cancellous bone