Medical Quiz

Eco Factors & Bacteria Quiz

Which is a type of bacteria?

A. Salmonella

B. the common cold

C. The flu

D. Covid-19

Select your answer:


Transplantation Immunology Medicine on the Western Front Integumentary System: Skin Disorder Bonding and the Periodic Table The Brain Mitosis Health and The Environment Doctor Equipments Infectious Diseases & the WHO Living Organisms Bones All About Bacteria Virus Covid-19 Human Genome and Bioethics Review

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Tubes that carry blood to the heart

A. Arteries

B. Veins

C. Capillaries

D. Coronary arteries

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Why is defibrillation important?

A. It prevents rearrest from occurring

B. It is not important for cardiac arrest

C. There is a 100% success rate in regaining a normal cardiac rhythm

D. It can restore a regular cardiac rythm