Medical Quiz

Immunology Quiz

Through which of the following ways do B cells acquire/interact with antigen in the lymph nodes and spleen?

A. soluble antigen acquired from lymphatic circulation by dendritic cells

B. free antigen transported to lymph node via lymphatic vessels

C. follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) concentrate antigen for selection and differentiation

D. all of the above

E. none of the above

Select your answer:


Cancer & Cell Cycle Vitals Components of Blood Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Linked Gene Life Processes Excretion Sources Of Food The Skeletal System Gene Expression Metabolic Sauver Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Connective Tissue Speed, Flexibility part of Components of Physical Fitness Weight Management Oxygenation

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To treat the disease you need salt and fluid replacements and antibiotics for severe cases.

A. Salmonella

B. E.coli

Pharmacology › View

NSAID with multiple actions including anti-pyretic and analgesic; often combined with opioids; acetylsalicylic acid.

A. Opioid analgesic

B. Nonopioid analgesic

C. Salicylates