Medical Quiz

Vision and Hearing Defects Quiz

How can refractive errors in vision be corrected?

A. Through auditory training.

B. By using corrective lenses or undergoing surgical procedures.

C. By increasing vitamin intake.

D. Through regular exercise.

Select your answer:


Connective Tissue The Respiratory System Diabetes Mellitus ology & phobia Shoulder HHB Immunology Lungs Reproductive System Vocabulary Mutation & Genetic Engineering Enzyme Anatomy and Histology of Stomach The Nervous System and The Senses Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Hematologic System Neuroanatomy

Other quiz:

Respiratory › View

When will our chest become smaller?

A. Inhale

B. Exhale

C. Do nothing

D. Contain water vapor

Biochemistry › View

What is the charge of a neutral atom?

A. Positive

B. Negative

C. Zero

D. Variable