Medical Quiz

Physiothearpy in Neurology Quiz

The space between two neurons over which chemical messages are passed is called the ________ .

A. brain stem

B. dendrite

C. axon

D. synapse

Select your answer:


Immunity & Cancer Uses of Radioactive Radiation Introduction to Mycology Pathology Inflammation Circulatory System Surgical tech-safety Pharmacology Vitamins Bone Development and Remodeling Excretion-Dialysis Immunity The Circulatory System Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Breathing ...Respiration Nerve Injuries in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Muscularskeletal System

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A. Protein aggregation

B. Cell swelling

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Chest Xray showing Bilateral opacities progressing to ARDS may be seen in –

A. Leptospirosis

B. Scrub Typhus

C. Viral pneumonia

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