Medical Quiz

Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up Quiz

Urine is spun down and the supernatant is pipetted and placed on a _____________for the_________________of a urine.

A. petri dish/ chemical examination

B. microscopic slide/ physical examination

C. microscopic slide/ cultural examination

D. kova slide/ microscopic examination

Select your answer:


Pathophysiology - Adaptive Immunity Macromolecules & Enzymes Doctor Equipments Healthcare Careers Body Movements Oncology Vision and Light Immunology: T cell Development DNA & Types of Reproduction Head and Neck Anatomy Health Systems Brain Cytology and Histology Hormones Non-infectious Disease

Other quiz:

Name that Pathogen › View

I have no cure.



C. Cholera

D. Malaria

Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria › View

Which of the following is true for both bacteria and viruses?

A. both contain genetic material

B. can be killed using antibiotics

C. have a cell membrane

D. have a protein coat