Medical Quiz

Biotechnology Quiz

Which of the following is an example of domestication?

A. Dogs being selectively breed for traits beneficial to humans for thousands of years.

B. Training a squirrel to navigate a maze using food as a reward.

C. Elephants being held in captivity in a zoo.

Select your answer:


Heart Vocab and Blood Flow Pathway Musculoskeletal Fitness Transplantation Immunology Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways Nephrology (Hemodialysis) Bacteria & Disease Humanistic and Biological Psychology Virus Connective Tissue Physiology Fitness Respiratory 5 Major Food Groups CP A&P: Cardiovascular Type 1 Diabetes

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It refers to the muscles ability to continuously perform weight lifting without the feeling of exhaustion.

A. Cardiovascular Endurance

B. Muscle Strength

C. Muscle Endurance

The Ankle and Lower Leg › View

What other ligament is injured with an inversion sprain?

A. Anterior Talofibular

B. Anterior Tibiofibular

C. Deltoid

D. Calcaneo-Fibular