Medical Quiz

Biochemistry Quiz

DNA Replication occurs during a part of the Cell Cycle known as the ___ Phase

A. G

B. S

C. R

D. M

Select your answer:


Protozoan Diseases Antimicrobial Pharmacology DNA Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Dental Caries The Circulatory System Bacteriology Lab Culture Media Physical Education Cells & Body Systems My Teeth Eco Factors & Bacteria Levels of Organization Systematic Bacteriology Biological Molecules and Enzymes Excretory and Musculoskeletal System

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Brinjal which is an ingredient in Brinjal curry is which part of the plant?

A. Seed

B. Flower

C. Fruit

D. Root

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What is the lining of the medullary cavity called?

A. Periosteum

B. Endosteum

C. Articular Cartilage

D. Epiphyseal Plate