Medical Quiz

Biochemistry Quiz

Which enzyme is responsible for making new DNA strands during DNA Replication?

A. RNA Polymerase

B. DNA Polymerase

C. Helicase

D. Ligase

Select your answer:


Fats And Oil Body Systems and Medical Sciences Disease Cards Sensory System Key Terms Pathology of Respiratory System Anatomy - Cellular Respiration Endocrine System Disorders Tracheostomy Care Diet Dermis Osteoporosis Entomology Anatomy and Physiology Skeletal System Population Ecology Chest, Back, Abs

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What was the system for moving wounded soldiers called?

A. chain of evacuation

B. moving wounded soldiers

C. chain of movement


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The gap between the axon terminal of a motor neuron and the sarcolemma of a skeletal muscle cell is called the ________.

A. synapse

B. sarcomere

C. cross bridge

D. motor unit