Medical Quiz

Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Quiz

Cell division in which the sister chromatids do not separate correctly, resulting in gametes with an abnormal number of chromosomes.

A. Cellular Differentiation

B. Nondisjunction

C. Crossing Over

D. Telomere

Select your answer:


Metabolism Hematology Acute Leukemias Renal Pharmacology Biodiversity Carbohydrate Metabolism Pediatric Cardiology Nursing Vocabulary Blood clotting Physical Pharmacy Regulating the Cell Cycle MS Neurology Biochemistry/Cells Psychiatry Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Endocrine System and Nervous System

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A. Make their own food 

B. Have a nucleus

C. Reproduce through binary fission

D. They’re the same

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If a person could not produce surfactant, his/her:

A. Alveoli would collapse

B. Bronchi would collapse

C. Vocal chords could not vibrate

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