For how much time period, the weighting factors are updated to allow for quick adaptation to signal quality changes?
A. a) Every 192 ms
B. b) Every 16 ms
C. c) Every 215 ms
D. d) Every 200 ms
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DNA, RNA, Proteins Movement and Locomotion Dental Caries Nutrition and Calorific Value DNA Structure, Replication, Proteins Epidemiology Heart Structure and Double Circulation Human Body Multicellular Organisms Germs Alzheimer Disease Skeleton ESR (RBC sed rate) ICU CardiopulmonaryOther quiz:
Respiration in Organisms › ViewWhat happens to the carbon dioxide produced during respiration in organisms?
A. It is excreted through the skin
B. It is stored in the body
C. It is released as a waste product.
D. It is converted into oxygen
Musculoskeletal System › View
What is the type of skeleton in a snake?
A. Endoskeleton
B. Exoskeleton
C. Hydrostatic skeleton