Medical Quiz

Psychology Vocabulary Quiz

When the researcher himself alters or changes the result of the study. For example, a teacher studying differences in math skills between boys and girls might spend more time teaching boys because he/she believes that boys are better at math

A. Operational definitions

B. Overconfidence

C. Observer bias

D. Random sample

Select your answer:


Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Sports Medicine Name that Pathogen All About Bacteria Microbial Growth Tutor Oral Biology Microbiology Living Organisms Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Thrombosis, Emboliya Foot Orthosis Vocab Human Anatomy and Physiology Heterotrophic Nutrition Urinary System and Fluid Balance Phlebotomy Medical Terminology

Other quiz:

Bacteria › View

What is an advantage of a cell wall?

A. prevents lysing

B. flexibility

C. genetic variation

D. easy digestion by antibiotics

Acute Responses to Exercise › View

Musculoskeletal responses to exercise include which of the following?

A. Increased Muscle Pliability

B. Increased tidal volume

C. Increased joint range of motion

D. Increased stroke volume

E. A and C