Medical Quiz

Human Body Systems Quiz

Moves blood through the body, supplies oxygen and nutrients, and removes wastes

A. Digestive system

B. Circulatory system

C. Nervous system

D. Endocrine system

Select your answer:


Central and Peripheral Nervous System Physical Pharmacy Ankle, Foot, & LL - Injuries Health Issues and Concerns Circulatory & Respiratory System Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Excretion-Dialysis Schizophrenia Respiration in Organisms History of Psychology Tutor Oral Biology Cell Structure and Function Stimuli and Responses in Humans Factors Affecting Health Degeneration Pathology

Other quiz:

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An allergy that affects the respiratory system; may result in difficulty breathing and wheezing

A. Asthma

B. Allergic reaction

C. Cancer

D. Bacteria

Pharmacology Vitamins › View

Which of the following diseases can be treated with Thiamine B1

A. Beri beri

B. Senile osteoporosis

C. Pellagra

D. Scurvy