Medical Quiz

Human Body Systems Quiz

The body’s defense against infectious diseases

A. Endocrine system

B. Circulatory system

C. Immune system

D. Integumentary system

Select your answer:


Anatomical Terminology Polio Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory Muscles Cellular Components Facial & Dental Injuries Endocrinology The Vascular System and Blood Flow Pathophysiology Nutrition, Neuroscience & Mental Health Respiratory, Cardiovascular & Oncology Hematologic System Nervous, Musculoskeletal Systems, Integumentary Systems Division of Microbiology Enzymes and Digestion

Other quiz:

Renal & Neural › View

What is the role of the glomerulus in the kidney?

A. Reabsorption of water

B. Filtration of blood

C. Secretion of waste products

Musculoskeletal System › View

Skeletal muscles are attached to bones with ______________.

A. tendons

B. ligaments

C. joints

D. organs