Medical Quiz

Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Quiz

hairlike parts that help bacteria move

A. flagelle

B. bacilli

C. cocci

D. spirilla

Select your answer:


Burns and Skin Cancer Radiology Infection Control Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up Microbiology World Health Day Nervous System Pathology - Cellular Injury Public Health and Genetic Disease Parts of the Brain Medicine Clinics The Circulatory System Infection Characteristics of Life Homeostasis and Disease Teeth and Microbes

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Pneumothorax, and pleural effusion are part of which classification of lung disease?

A. Parenchymal (functional tissue of the lungs)

B. Pleural (tissue covering the lungs)

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Vesicles in the motor neuron store what substance

A. Neurotransmitter

B. Acetylcholine

C. Perimysium

D. Mitochondria