★ Human Organ System Quiz
I am flat, but blow up like a balloon when I’m filled up with urine. I push urine to the urethra so it can flow out. Who am I?
A. Kidneys
B. Ureter
C. Urinary bladder
D. Rectum
Select your answer:
Plant Biotechnology Basic Structure of the Human Body Nail Enhancement Blood types and Blood Components Doctor Equipments Pathophysiology - Inflammation Who am Eye? Blood & Blood Vessels Bones Anatomy Nutrition in Humans and Animals Agents of Disease Schizophrenia Cellular Respiration Surgical & Complementary Terms DNA and Polypeptide SynthesisOther quiz:
History of Medicine › ViewDiscovered Micro organisms cause disease and pasteurization of milk
A. Laennec
B. Purkinje
C. Pasteur
D. Leeuwenhoek
Medicine on the Western Front › View
What type of people made up the FANY?
A. paid women
B. male volunteers
C. female volunteers
D. people who refused to fight in the war