Medical Quiz

Transport System Quiz

A recording of the electrical activity of a patient’s heart shows that the atria are contracting regularly and normally, but every few beats the ventricles fail to  contract. Which of the following is probably not functioning properly?

A. AV node

B. Semilunar valve

C. SA node

D. AV valve

Select your answer:


Hemodynamics Body Fluids & Circulation Psychology Vocabulary Respiratory System Circulation of Blood Protein Synthesis Enzymes Musculoskeletal Injuries Transport system in Living Things (Human) Fat Thrombosis, Emboliya Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth Immunity in Humans Bacteria & Disease Prehabilitation and Conditioning Antibiotic in Orthopaedics

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which animal pops out its stomach while taking food and then the stomach gets into the body?

A. Human

B. Amoeba

C. cow

D. Star fish

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A. inflammation

B. cardi

C. surgical repair

D. disease