Medical Quiz

ESR (RBC sed rate) Quiz

Specimens needs EDTA collection

A. Wintrobe or Modified Westergren

B. true Westergren

Select your answer:


Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Transport System Oral Surgery Immunology: T cell Development Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Urinary System Medical Terms Molecular Basis of Inheritance Eco Factors & Bacteria Muscles and Healthy Body Nutritional Measurements Cardiovascular Nursing Systematic Bacteriology Consciousness and Sleep Nucleic Acids

Other quiz:

Vascular Surgery › View

How does blood pressure change above and below the clamp when the aorta is cross-clamped?

A. Hypertension above the clamp, hypotension below

B. Hypotension above and below the clamp

C. Normal blood pressure throughout

D. Hypotension above the clamp, hypertension below

HHB Immunology › View

acquired immune deficiency syndrome which leads to weakened immune system 


B. self antigen 

C. Covid