Medical Quiz

Upper Limb Quiz

The joint found between the base of the third metacarpal and carpal bone is the:

A. carpometacarpal

B. Proximal Interphalangeal joint

C. Distal interphalangeal joint

D. AC Joijnt

Select your answer:


Ortho Ward Simulation Medical Suffixes Forensic Pathology Autism Awareness Aseptic Technique & Sterile Comp Review PBS Routine Testing Pulmonary System Wellness & Influences DNA Structure, Replication, Proteins Health and Medicine Healthy Foundations 5 Major Food Groups Diseases and Preventions The Cell Cycle & Cancer Musculoskeletal

Other quiz:

Immunology: T cell Development › View

Thymocytes that lack the TCR but beginning to rearrange their TCR genes

A. double negative thymocytes

B. double positive

Pathology › View

Explain the role of inflammation in the body.

A. Inflammation is caused by excessive sugar intake

B. Inflammation is a sign of a weak immune system

C. Inflammation always leads to chronic diseases

D. Inflammation is a natural response of the immune system to injury or infection, aiding in fighting off harmful stimuli and promoting healing.