How should the original analog kVp range be changed with a fiberglass cast applied for a wrist or forearm radiographic procedure?
A. Decrease 3 to 4 kVp
B. Increase 3 to 4 kVp.
C. Increase the mAs to change the kVp
D. No change needed
Select your answer:
Hospice Basics Human Circulatory System Population Ecology Muscular System Movements EKG CCMA Nutrition and Human Digestive System Cardiovascular Diseases What is Psychology? Human Brain Bones Anatomy Paeds Edema Nail Diseases and Disorders Child Growth and Development Vision and Light Protein and Amino Acid MetabolismOther quiz:
Disease Cards › Viewhighly contagious, acute viral respiratory illness that now has a vaccine; causes total body skin rash and fever along with breathing difficulty; no longer; has not originated in the US since 2000, but many outbreaks from foreign travelers
A. Tubercuolsis
B. Whooping Cough
C. Trichinosis
D. Measles
Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance › View
Which of these healthcare delivery systems is created for a purpose other than making a profit?
A. non-profit
B. for-profit
C. government
D. hospitals