Medical Quiz

Medical Vocabulary Quiz

the order in which events happen in time.

A. assessment

B. plan of care

C. shift

D. chronological order

Select your answer:


Digestive and Circulatory System Central Nervous System Orthopedic Surgeon Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Obesity Disease & Immunity Cardiovascular Nursing Oral Hygiene Macromolecules Anxiety Disorders Immunisation Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System Disease Cards Medication Administration Biodiversity Conservation

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A. Circulatory System

B. Cardiovascular System

C. Digestive System

D. Muscular System

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Which one of these is incorrect?

A. The skeleton provides oxygen for the working muscles

B. The skeleton provides protection for vital organs

C. The skeleton provides structural shape and points for attachment

D. The skeleton provides support