Medical Quiz

Introduction to Kinesiology Quiz

closer to the feet is known as

A. Inferior

B. Medial

C. Cephalic

D. Superior

Select your answer:


Heart Vocab and Blood Flow Pathway Digestive System Vocabulary for Organisms in Ecosystems Living Organisms & Animal Behaviors Surgical Nutrition Diseases and Preventions Diseases of The Nervous System Biotechnology: Tools & Techniques Protozoan Diseases Muscle & Nerve Tissue Effect of Exercise on Cardio Respiratory System & Muscular Neurology Excretory and Musculoskeletal System Herd Immunity Reproduction in Human Beings

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Musculoskeletal System › View

Osteocytes are…

A. Living cells on long bone

B. Non living cells on compact bone

C. Living cells on compact bone

D. Non living cells on long bone

HHB Immunology › View

hypersensitive immune response to a normally harmless antigen 

A. allergic reaction 

B. membrane receptor 

C. faster production and higher concentration of antibodies 

D. antigen-antibody complex