Medical Quiz

Nervous System and Special Senses Quiz

Allows light waves to enter the eye

A. sclera

B. iris

C. pupil

D. cornea

Select your answer:


Oronasal Suctioning General Microbiology and Immunology Nutrition in Animals Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Pollution Defining Health and Wellness Joints Tissue Repair Pathology Fitness Smoking Related Diseases BMS Cell Cycle and Cancer Illness and Symptoms Neurological Disorders Physiology Pathology Health and Wellness

Other quiz:

Breath › View

What type of breathing with an excess of excitatory afferentation (stress, hysteria, skin burn, etc.):

A. rare, deep

B. dispnoe

C. apnea

D. frequent, superficial

E. frequent, deep

Environment › View

———-is the obligatory interaction.

A. Mutualism

B. Commensalism

C. Ammensalism

D. Cooperation