Medical Quiz

Gene Expression Quiz

Protein molecules around which DNA is tightly coiled in chromatin

A. Histones

B. Whey

C. Casein

D. Hemoglobin

Select your answer:


Nervous / Sensory System Human Body Systems Integumentary System: Skin Disorder Viruses Biomolecules Genes and Cells Cardiorespiratory or Vascular Systems Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Defining Health and Wellness Inner Ear Neuroanatomy Virus Cardiovascular Med Terms All About Blood T Cells Bacteria and Protist Review Enzymes and ATP Structure

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I feel like I can’t stand up, everything is spinning around me. I feel ____________.

A. flu

B. nauseous

C. dizzy

D. fever

Foodborne Illness › View

What is the Danger Zone?

A. 40 degrees – 140 degrees

B. It depends on the food

C. 145 degrees – 165 degrees

D. 0 degrees – 40 degrees