Medical Quiz

Diseases & Disorders Quiz

Parkinson’s disease is:

A. A chronic and progressive disease of the endocrine system

B. A chronic and progressive disease of the central nervous system

C. A chronic and progressive movement disorder

D. A chronic and progressive disease of the integumentary system

Select your answer:


Health Systems Muscoskeletal System Latin & Greek in Medicine Cartilage Human Organ System Neuroanatomy of CNS Basics of Cardiology Body Fluids Regulation of Heart Rate The Nervous System Acute Responses to Exercise Agents of Disease Corona Injury Structures and Functions of Living Organisms and Genetics

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Pulmonology › View

Air entering the body is filtered, warmed, and humidified by the

A. upper (conducting) portion of the respiratory tract.

B. lower (respiratory) portion of the respiratory tract.

C. lungs

D. alveoli

E. bronchi

Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life › View

The solution surrounding the cell in Diagram B, would be defined as:

A. hypertonic

B. hypotonic

C. isotonic