Medical Quiz

Muscoskeletal System Quiz

This lubricates the joints and prevents friction.

A. cartilage

B. ligaments

C. synovial fluid

D. tendons

Select your answer:


Diagnostic Tools Sensory System Key Terms Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Anatomy of the Eye Public Health and Genetic Disease Parts of the Skin The Human Eye Normal Radiographic Anatomy Circulation and Excretion Disease Cards Macromolecules and Enzymes Pathology Introduction Cell Injury Macro and Micro Nutrients Orthopaedic Neurology Dentistry

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The amount that must be paid by the patient for medical serves before the policy begins to pay…

A. premium

B. co-pay

C. deductible

D. co-insurance

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Housefly and mosquito are examples of

A. causative agent

B. vector

C. infection

D. infectious agent