Medical Quiz

Health - Nutrition Quiz

Micronutrients are:

A. nutrients used in small amounts

B. nutrients used in large amounts

C. nutrients we don’t use

D. I don’t know

Select your answer:


Sensory System Key Terms Oncology Disease and Conditions Skeletal System The Inflammatory Response Virus, Bacteria, Immunity Thyroid Joints in our Body Respiratory Breath Human Eye and Colorful World Eye or Nose Injuries The Ear DNA Structure, Replication, Proteins Health and Disease Macromolecules & Enzymes

Other quiz:

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Which of the following is true about most fast foods? 
A. they are low in nutrient density 
B. they are high in fat and calories 
C. they are low in vitamins and minerals 
D. all of the above  

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Your “front teeth” are called

A. canines

B. incisors

C. premolars

D. cuspids