Medical Quiz

Muscles and Healthy Body Quiz

How many muscles in our body?

A. 206 muscles

B. 600 muscles

C. 500 muscles

D. 800 muscles

Select your answer:


CVA Blood Typing Disease Prevention Psoriasis Healthy Living Vocabulary Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances Health Issues Related to Digesting System and Eating Habits Laser in Medicine Vocabulary - Health Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Terms for The Skeletal System Psychology Vocabulary Joints & Movement Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems

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A. To digest chitin

B. To digest cellulose

C. To digest protein

D. To digest fats

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When a baby holds their head up before they can crawl is an example of which law of development?

A. Head to foot

B. Near to Far

C. Nose to Ear

D. Simple to Complex